Managing N-MFP Fund Holdings Data


You can review and edit financial data relevant to each security held by any given fund for a specific account period via the “Fund Holdings” page.

Securities’ captions, values, categorization information, currency and other settings are displayed in a grid. You may enter data directly into the grid and/or click the various links therein to update holdings information.

While data can be manually entered via the page, you can also use this page to import information from a specially-formatted Excel source file. This may be holdings data that was not included in your company’s regular (typically monthly) automated dataload operation.

You can access the “General Information”, “Part A: Fund/Class Setup”, “Fund Information”, “Class Information”, “Repo Holdings Collateral” and “Project” pages via corresponding links across the top of the page.


Specific Holdings Field Properties

The table below offers information with regard to the values of certain fields displayed in the “Holdings” tab of the “Fund Holdings” page.

Field Name Product Properties
Item C.19 - % of Net Assets ArcFiling
  • Non-editable
  • Value is derived as follows:

    • (“Item C.18 - Total value of fund’s position in the security” for each security on the “Fund Holdings” page) / (“Item A.16 - Net assets of the series, to the nearest cent” on the “Fund Information” page)
  • Value is rounded to the 6th decimal