Managing Custom Tags


The custom tag library contains codes that can alter the display of PDF output in ways not attainable through standard text editing. These codes can be applied amongst existing text in any text editor or Output Settings interface within ArcReporting.

You can add a custom tag and review/edit existing tags and their associated definitions on the “Custom Tags” page.

In the new user interface, you can review or edit custom tag availability with respect to a given complex on the “Custom Tags Assignment” page.

Technical Specifications

You have the ability to define custom tags (c-tags) to be used within the content of Arc Suite text editors, or within the output settings of tabular data, financial statement and portfolio statement templates. These c-tags allow greater flexibility in manipulating output stylization and alter the display of PDF project output in specific ways, as defined in the XPP style sheet.

Custom tags are created by the Donnelley Financial Solutions template team and maintained in the Custom Tags library.

Naming Convention

  • No special characters.
  • No uppercase characters.
  • No spaces.
  • If numbers are used, they must be associated with a letter (e.g., “i1”).


The description of custom tags must be as precise and detailed as possible so that you and other Arc Suite users have a clear understanding of their intended use.

Standard List

The following c-tags have been tested and added to the Standard Style specs. If additional c-tags are added to ArcReporting as part of a client implementation, we strongly encourage the DFIN implementation team to reach out to its XPP template builder to ensure they get added to the XPP specs.

Name Additional Arguments Additional Fixed Options Sample Description Comments
bx     {bx} Marks the start of a group of words that should keep together. Used with “{ba}”.
ba     {ba} Marks the end of a group of words that should keep together. Used with “{bx}”.
br     {br} Breaks Line.  
checksqueeze1     {checksqueeze1} Reduces interline lead by 25%. Allows the squeeze to be limited on a paragraph basis; not the entire chapter.
checksqueeze2     {checksqueeze2} Reduces interline lead by 50%. Allows the squeeze to be limited on a paragraph basis; not the entire chapter.
checksqueeze3     {checksqueeze3} Reduces interline lead by 75%. Allows the squeeze to be limited on a paragraph basis; not the entire chapter.
cm   upper; normal; smallcap; lower {cm;upper}; {cm;normal}; {cm;smallcap} Used for casing format in type. “upper”=ALL CAPS; “lower”=all lower case; “smallcap”=lower case will appear as small caps; “normal”=will format as keyed on screen.  
cn     {cn} Blank Line.  
co (either number or name) (Based on client’s need, we can place fixed options here) {co;red}; {co;normal} Used to add colors to text. Consult with your style developer before using this tag.
eb   top; btm; ctr {eb}; {eb;top}; {eb;btm}; {eb;ctr} End Block: Additional Fixed Options for placement in box. Leave blank to default to current pagination tries.
ep     {ep} End Page.  
frac (any alphanumeric character)   {frac;1;2} Sets a fraction with numerator over denominator separated by horizontal line.  
frax (any alphanumeric character)   {frax;3;4} Sets a fraction with a slash (“3/4”).  
hang     {hang} Indicates a hanging indent.  
i1 q=points; p=picas   {i1;3p} Indents only the current line.  
ilb   blank;1;2;3 {ilb;blank}; {ilb;1}; {ilb;2}; {ilb;3} Intentionally left blank page; blank argument for single true blank page. “1”, “2” or “3” will give you 1, 2 or 3 “Intentionally Left Blank” pages, with auto generated text.  
in q=points; p=picas   {in;1p} Indents current paragraph.  
indent argument 1: first line indent; argument 2: second line indent   {indent;1}; {indent;2,2} (for runover indents) Indent with automatic runover. Indent macro will automatically add “1” to the runover indent; so, “{indent;1}” and “{indent;1;2}” are basically the same.
ks (used with ke)     {ks} Keep Start: Used to keep a group of paragraphs and/or tables together. You must have both custom tags. Example: Keeping a preceding paragraph with the following table.  
ke (used with ks)     {ke} Keep End: Must use with “{ks}”.  
le q=points; p=picas   {le;4q} Interleading between lines in a paragraph.  
lp q=points; p=picas   {lp;6q} Prelead before paragraph in points or picas.  
md     {md} Em Dash (dash equal to the width of the current point size).  
nd     {nd} En Dash (dash equal to 1/2 the width of the current point size).  
noalign     {noalign} For use in tables; will turn off any special character alignment (leading, hanging or aligning characters) for that cell.  
qd   l;r;c;j {qd;l}; {qd;r}; {qd;c}; {qd;j} Sets justification quadding for the LINE of text immediately following: “l”=left; “r”=right; “c”=center; “j”=justified.  
rhang     {rhang} For use in tables; will push the following characters out to the right of the column (hang alignment). “23.00{rhang}%” will hang the % sign.  
ru q=points; p=picas   {ru;6p;.5q} First argument is width of rule. Second argument is height of rule (rule weight).  
rum q=points; p=picas   {rum;1q} Sets a full measure rule.  
spf     {spf} Figure Space (space equal to a figure [0-9] in the current point size).  
spm     {spm} Em Space (space equal to the width of the current point size).  
spn     {spn} En Space (space equal to 1/2 the width of the current point size).  
spt     {spt} Thin Space (space equal to 1/4 the width of the current point size; equivalent to a fixed word space).  
sup     {sup} Superior.  
supend     {supend} Ends superior format.  
sw q=points; p=picas   {sw;9q} Changes the width of the font. Oftentimes used to squeeze/condense text in copyfitting.  
sz q=points; p=picas   {sz;9q} or {sz;9;3} Font size in points. Second additional argument will adjust leading, if needed.  
***tblbreak   no; yes {tblbreak;no}; {tblbreak;yes} Turns option to break a table on and off. Must be placed in first cell of table. ***This tag must be manually typed in into a table; C-tags are not yet available in tables.
tq   rr;rl;rc {tq;rr} Sets justification for paragraph: “rr”=ragged right; “rl”=ragged left; “rc”=ragged center.  
usb     {usb} Creates an unbreakable spaceband between two words.  
vk     {vk} Vertical Keep: Marks a line of text that must be kept with the immediately preceding line of text.  
xin     {xin} Cancels all indents.